Our Products


  • It helps in maintaining a Healthy Womb Lining during the Pregnancy Stage.
  • It is a Female Hormone that Regulates Ovulation and Menstruation in Women.
  • It prevents Overgrowth of the Uterus in Postmenopausal Women who take Estrogen as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).


  • Progesterone is used for Hormone Replacement Therapy and Female Infertility.
  • It is used to Restore Menstruation in Women with Secondary Amenorrhea (The Absence of Menstrual Cycles).

Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate

  • This Injection is a Man-made, Injectable form of the Female Hormone called Progesterone.
  • It is helps lower the risk of Delivering the Baby Too Early (premature labor), particularly in Women who have had this Complication in an Earlier Pregnancy.


  • It is a Synthetic Hormone which Replicates the Effect of a Natural Female Hormone called Progesterone
  • Progesterone Slows the Growth of the Lining of the Womb before Menstruation, which Reduces the Bleeding during Menstruation.

Norethisterone Acetate

  • Norethisterone acetate is a Synthetic form of the Hormone Progesterone. This Medication is a Hormone Replacement to Balance Progesterone in Your Body.
  • It treats Endometriosis, Uterine Bleeding caused by Abnormal Hormone levels and Secondary Amenorrhea.